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First day back to school and so far it doesn't look promising

Theresa was up way past her bedtime last night because she got to take a late afternoon nap that lasted into close to the evening. She didn't want to get out of bed this morning, and she only ate a couple bites of the cereal bar that I gave her. I managed to get her supplements in her and get her dressed only to have her supplements come up again because she was supposed to have a full stomach. Fun, huh? She got on the bus when it came because she wouldn't come back in, it seems that she missed the pre-school and her little friends.

I made a plan for today though. First I am updating this blog where my mind wanders, editing a coupon article and searching for something new to write. This evening after therapy we will stop at the store to pick up a couple items that we need. We will also go to the grocery store to complete my list. I plan to box up a few items that no longer fit today and stack them by the door.

I also intend to add another post at Dazed and Confused and start the odds and ends page there. I have to write up a few articles and post read more links to them. Some will be mine (of course) and some will be other peoples. I think I need to move the links page and put the links on the first page but I'm not sure yet.

Well, my laundry is almost done so I can hang it out so I'll be going. I need to at least open the pages I want to edit before it gets done so I do not lose focus.


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