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M is for Mothers and Management

M is for Mothers and Management because they often are the management. 

Mothers whether they have managerial experience or not become the management when the kids enter the picture. Daycare, stay at home, school age. There is always something to manage from the budget to ensure that sensitive skin has the correct soap, doctors appointments and social functions. The time spent making sure that everything needed for this trip or that is a form of management. 

Gathering up tiny, tired people each morning and making sure they leave with clothes on right side out, shoes and a coat in freezing temperatures is a job in itself. Demands for a short order cook are overwhelming first thing in the morning. In a world of convenience foods children are no longer of the mindset they had better eat what is put in front of them or risk starvation.

Playing taxi driver to get children to appointments is draining, staying up late with a sick child only to have to get up early with said child because they cannot sleep as a result of the misery is exhausting. Infants with a time table of their own cause mothers to learn management of sleep, or lack of sleep. Days with an hour here and an hour there take a toll on the mind and body until mommy is talking in one word babbling that takes hours or days to string into a complete sentence.

Working mothers, whether in the traditional workforce or working from home have a balancing act that is beyond miracle working. Spending time with children is as important as the income it takes to meet their basic needs. 

Have you ever realized how much management your mother does? Is your mother a stay-at-home mom or a work-at-home mom? What is your management role in life?


S. L. Hennessy said…
My mom is dealing with some health issues right now, so I'm filling in. Never dreamed how much management there was going on.

Happy A to Z blogging.
I am definitely the Mom-manager of the household calendar, the meals, the grocery shopping, and the taxi driving as well as other things. However, I enjoy it most of the time. It's fun. The tough part is managing my own "manager" moments as my kids get older and take on more of their own stuff. I have to step back and let them run things.
Laurie said…
My youngest is already trying to run everything; she's sure she's in charge.
Laurie said…
Lots of people don't realize how much managing goes on until they have to do it.

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