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Wordy Wednesday

I am tired of people pretending to be things that they are not. This wordy Wednesday has the potential for a rant, please stay tuned or if you are easily offended change the virtual channel. It is your choice, and I will not be asking anyone to stay if it offends their sensibilities.

I am learning that even those that claim to be your best friend will not be there for you when things are not comfortable for them. It is as if no one knows that being a friend means you stay and work out the rough patches. 

I am discovering that my true friends can be counted on one hand. It is not a surprise but I do wish that people would not pretend to be something they were not. It is aggravating, and no one deserves it. The idea that you would act like you were close to someone just to walk out when things got to be a little rough. It is fine, I am fine.

I know that I have friends, some of them for more than two decades that I can call when I need a shoulder to cry on. It does not matter the time of day, or how far away they are. They make time for me. 

I am wasting anymore time on those that do not hold true.


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