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A Little Progress but Not Much

OK there are 40 of the 75 articles due Friday left. I'm hoping to make some decent progress on them this weekend. The clinic wants to give Theresa her last additional session this Thursday so that'll put me behind if I'm not where I need to be by then. I plan to work straight through the weekend to make sure I'm ahead enough to take advantage of the extra ABA session this week. Next week I also need to get Theresa's finger pricked again, it'll be the 8th week since it was last done.

I have to go Monday and get one of Theresa's supplements after I talk to the doctor to make sure he's not changing it to something else before I buy it. This month is getting rather long considering hubby just went back to work and my income went down over the summer. I have to make his one week check last until I get paid for this project. Hubby put gas in his car to get to work next week I still have to put gas in my truck to get back and forth to Theresa's appointments next week. Luckily now all of her appointments are scheduled back to back and close to a number of stores so I can make her daily therapy sessions into a quick trip to town.

I pass three grocery stores, two dollar stores, a number of gas stations (none reasonably priced), some restaurants and a bunch of other stores to get the things we need. The best help to my gasoline budget is the new store that opened just one road over from me. Tomorrow is Saturday and the local Fred's does double coupons up to 70 cents. I would take advantage of that this week if I had any shopping money in the budget but it's not there right now and Theresa got my coupons so I have to hunt them down before I can go. I have one that I don't have to hunt down for free dish washing liquid that I should have used while I was there today but I forgot I had it. It's for the new Gain dish liquid, I want to try it but I hate to spend money on things I'm not sure I'm going to like. Although if I like it a small bottle is only a $1 and a large bottle that'll last all month is $2. I don't know why but when I buy a small bottle of dish liquid it only last about a week and a half but a large bottle will last all month long.

Well, it's really late and I don't have the energy to finish any more work tonight. I wanted to write a couple of my own articles today but that's not going to happen at this point so I'm calling it a night.


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