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Just hoping the year ends on a good note

It's almost December and at this point I'm just hoping that the year ends on a good note. So far these last few months have been a disaster. I have had everything that could go wrong go wrong. We've had a rough year almost filing for divorce. We're putting it off but there is still a chance that we could file eventually. Although finances could put that off indefinitely.

At this vary moment I would be wondering where my husband is since it's 8:33a.m. and we have to leave at 9a.m. to make it to therapy in time. Fortunately he's here and he even put the car seat in his car. We're working out the details of therapy transportation for Monday and Tuesday of next week, this should be interesting.

Well, we made it to ABA which is not going to be from 3p.m. until 5p.m. on Thursdays so that we can start our weekends at 10 a.m. on Friday instead of at 1p.m. I made one boo-boo, I forgot that school doesn't let out for Theresa until Tuesday since she's not in school that day anyway and they don't go on Wednesday.

I'm still figuring out how to get my brakes. Some woman I had never seen before bought my cat food this afternoon because my payment didn't go on my card when it was supposed to. I'm thankful it went on today that $5 helped, a little sooner would have been nice although I am very thankful for that lady.

Well, that's all the rambling thoughts I have for today so I'll go away now.


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