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I just realized this afternoon as I was making peanut butter and raisin cookies on demand for my four year old that I forgot to make her birthday cake this year. I wasn't happy about that but I've decided that I'm going to make it after the first of the year. It'll be a surprise to her. I just need some cake mix, icing and some decorations along with one candle.

I have gone over the budget, packed up old clothes that are too small for all of us and starting thinking about what I want to accomplish during the New Year. I'm hoping that 2011 will go better than 2010 did. I have four days left of nothing to do but I choose to do. The 3rd of January we start back with our regular therapy and the 10th my youngest goes back to preschool. I found one school holiday in January I just won't know if it's a therapy holiday until later in the month.

I have to redo the financial aid papers for ABA therapy soon. At least I think that I do. I'm wondering when I'll have to start over with the classes to keep the financial aid again. Once a month an extra trip to the clinic. I'm hoping that I can afford to make the four that are required of the six.

I need to make some candles while I'm off from the regular routine. There are some I need to be burning today. The house feels better when they're burning. I'm going for now but I'll be back with more mindless ramblings to bore, entertain you with.


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