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I refuse to get upset........again

I've spent more time upset the last few days that I have working. It would seem that I write crap because even if I felt like competing for my earnings I couldn't or wouldn't write to any of those titles up to compete for payment. My bright side today? I get my truck out of the shop tonight with it's new working brakes. Brighter side my mommy is paying the $700 it cost to fix the damn things. Oh well, at least getting to appointments is going to be easier now and I will be doing it safely because it was to the point it couldn't be driven anymore.

Now to get past the fact that I should have been able to cover that with savings. Oh yea, they savings account was cleaned out over the summer to make up for two months taken off because of the schools being out. I just realized that in a few more months we'll be going through the summer without any savings if I don't get a move on.

Whenever the letter comes in I have to send off income proofs that I already sent off because people can't keep things together when you send them with the initial applications and reapplications. I however refuse to be upset anymore by a lack of answers and general incompetence. I also refuse to give into the urge to go into a long winded rant that would feel really good right about now and so I'll stop for now. I'm sure I can find a better and money earning way to spend my time if I give it a little bit of thought.


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