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Interesting Figures

OK not so interesting but I'm going to tell you about them anyway. I figured out that so far I have just over $73 in payouts coming for February from writing sites. I have almost $500 going out in February that doesn't include supplements or gasoline. I put $20 of gasoline in the truck today and got a little over half a tank that brought it up to just over 3/4 of a tank. I was fortunate enough to pay $2.99 a gallon instead of $3.05 a gallon. I've got to top that tank off as soon as possible and keep it from getting below 3/4 again. I'll have $3.59 left after my gas purchase goes through. One of my phone bills was just paid automatically it would seem, that still leaves the $3.59.

I'll be glad when my 1099 gets here. Then I'll know what I'm going to have to go through and figure out by hand in order to file my taxes this year. Actually, that seems like something I should be doing right now. I don't want to have to print out all those reports but it looks like I'm going to have to start or stick to places that send the 1099 so I have it all in one place.

OK I'm going.


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