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Is it Friday Yet?

Unfortunately it's not and I'm already exhausted. Today was a preschool day which meant that I was up early. By some small stroke of luck this morning the short and sweet news articles that I like posted at 6a.m. I managed a total of six short and sweet articles all day. They go very quickly, the time it takes to write one which is all of five minutes can mean that you go back and over half of them are gone. $9 today but that's fine only $11 less than my daily goal and I took the afternoon off at noon.

We didn't have private speech today because the therapist was sick but we did have ABA. Today was one of those days that I got the feeling the therapist was distracted a little bit. I think trying to probe new skills and make a therapy plan when a child is trying to act as if you're not there is a bit difficult and cause you to feel a little confused. At least I know that it is for me.

Now how do you politely tell someone that wants to focus on something else that potty training your child is top priority and you could care less about "touch" until it's done? Although Theresa got that concept. The camera is at a bad angle to see if there are bathroom hints that are going unnoticed during the session. I thought that I had covered them all but Theresa is not being as open with the signs during ABA. I thought there were a couple times that she was trying to show the therapist that she needed to go but it was hard to tell since she was below me b/c of the camera angle.

Oh well, a short and sweet news article just popped up so I'll be going for now.


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