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Another Week and It's Almost Productive So Far

Well, it's Monday once again! I'm not sure why I'm so happy about that fact, maybe it's because I managed to get Theresa fed, give her the morning supplements, dress her and put her on the school bus. All without a tantrum or running behind. I set my alarm for 5:15 this morning and managed to get up in time to get most of what I needed done.

I have spend this morning (and part of yesterday) editing older articles to improve them. I plan to edit all the ones that I don't have to send request for first. I'm adding links to related articles where I can, the ones that can't are still being edited for improvements of minor, silly errors that I don't believe they should have been published with.

Well, I've only got a couple more hours to work uninterrupted and I need to try and pick up the toys to vacuum before the little one gets home. I also want to clean her room a little while she's gone so I'll go for now.


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