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Summer Vacation and High Temperatures

OK so we were at 99 today and I think they said we'd be at 100 tomorrow. We're in an extreme drought which means that my grass is drying, crops are not producing as much and cattle are aren't eating. The last day of preschool for the little one was yesterday, we still haven't made lemonade together and it's too hot to lay in the grass and look for bugs. Besides that I have fire ants so we're going to see just how much we can do inside and on the sidewalk at therapy between appointments since it is shaded. There are cooling shelters open this summer for those without air conditioning. 

I may be among those taking advantage of them since my air conditioning is not working correctly. I have been searching for window units that are big enough to cool my living room and a couple small ones for the bedrooms. I would love portable units but I can not afford them. I still have to find income proofs and get them in by the 10th. I also have to fix the budget so that I can fit in additional therapy supplies and take Theresa places this summer so she's not always at home.

I decided to give hubpages a shot, I'm not sure about earning potential but they're easy to make and they look better than a lot of things that I've done recently. OK time to get a little work lined up and put the little one in the tub to cool off before bed. Then I plan on soaking a while myself to cool down some.


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