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First Day of School!

At least it's the first day of school for the hubby, the baby doesn't go back until the 25th if I decided to leave my decision for Head Start alone. I still have time to send her back to PHP which is only a half a day. We don't have speech this week unless something happens to change that. We do have our occupational therapy and ABA therapy this week. The OT was attempting to put her permanently at 2pm on Tuesdays because we have speech at 1:30 that day which we're attempting to change. Wednesday we have ABA from 1 to 2 that afternoon. I have to talk to the ABA therapist about available schedule changes that day but she told me that she's pretty full.

I now get about two hours a day alone total. Gene only works 15 hours a week and is supposed to be searching for full time work. I'm still wondering when the search will begin exactly. I'm not certain but I think he's home so much to stay up my rear so I can't have a life without him whining when I go somewhere without him. I don't like taking him places he doesn't act like he has the sense that he was born with when we do. It's irritating as it can be. Maybe it's just me being over critical or maybe it's a sign that I should have filed for divorce long ago. Personally I think it's a sign that once again I married the wrong man. I don't have any feelings left for him and I've told him but he refuses to hear me.

Well, that's getting a bit too personal if I go on so I'll be going for now. Until tomorrow I intend to just bury myself in as much work as a four year old will allow and ignore him.


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