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Hoping this'll be a restful Saturday

It's Saturday but I have yet to determine if it's going to be a peaceful one. I need to work but I really don't feel much like it today. I woke up before 7a.m. and I'm still not sure how I feel about that. Groggy would be the one word I'd use to describe how I feel right this minute. I should work some today but I'm not really in the mood. I need to clean the house but again I'm not in the mood. I did manage to start a load of laundry but now I'm wondering why I started it when I don't feel like finishing it.

I spent the week rather irritated but something tells me that next week will be better. At least I hope that it will. I found out which class Theresa is in this year, and it's only a half day which means that she'll still have all her outside therapy on schedule. I also found out that our private OT is going to be her OT in the school this year! I'm loving that!

I have plans for the work week but I'm not sure that there going to pan out yet but I am sincerely hoping they do. I plan to spend every moment that I'm not occupied with something else writing. I have some new goals to meet that will help the fight to stay focused. I fully intend to replace my Rodeo with something that I can drive without panicking. I would love better gas mileage considering it only gets about fifteen miles to the gallon. I would also enjoy having a balance in my savings account again that was more than just enough to hold it open. In October I get to pay the actual light bill plus what is at this point a $200 overage, I really got to get a move on setting that money aside.

Well, sitting here complaining isn't going to accomplish anything so I guess I'll be going.


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