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It Ain't Easy

No one ever said that life was easy but it doesn't have to be so obvious all the time. I don't remember the last time things went the way they should. The highlight of my day was coming home from picking up the baby from school and discovering a job offer. I may or may not get it depending on whether or not they agree to cover the fee that's taken out of the final payment but that's all right too. I must say them accepting the proposal would take a bit of stress off of me for next month and make it a smaller amount of money that I have to come up with.

I heard some wonderful news when I picked the baby up from school today. She is more vocal. She opinions that she's not afraid to share and like me the teacher loves the talking but isn't always sure that she likes what she has to say. I'm glad that I'm not the only one.

I managed four articles this morning before I ever went to pick her up and a load of laundry. I also updated another one of my blogs, began this and another blog posting and managed to take a minute to talk to a couple friends. All and all the day is going rather productively. The kiddo was a bit confused this morning but in the end it all worked out. Well, so far it has we still have therapy to go. It's at 1:30 so I got to get the kid dressed so we can leave in a few.


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