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Planning for the Move and Making Changes

As you know we're planning to move. I want to move by the end of the year but I'm afraid that isn't going to be possible with all the expenses that we have. Yesterday I increased my phone bill from $21.80 a month to $32.70 a month so that I could have 1500 anytime minutes, unlimited data, text messaging and web usage during the month. I'm on the go a lot and sometimes need to access stuff away from my computer. Now to purchase a new phone out of next years tax return provided that we get one so I can do more from my phone.

I'm thinking of making my Internet pre-paid but at the moment I can't justify the slight increase in cost for an unlimited portable connection. So far the last year found me cutting off my cable which thanks to my outdoor antenna and increased number of channels (even though they only come in sometimes) with the digital transition I don't miss it that much. Of course I have Internet to watch shows on so I'm not that deprived.

The cost of moving includes deposits, pet deposits, gas for moving our things and transferring the lights. I can get boxes for free or go ahead and find some storage containers and just move things in what there new homes will be. I have no idea where I'd like to move I just know that for the moment I'd like to be in town since it's closer to the schools and to therapy. I want to move to a different city and since the local Autism clinic has moved I think I just might. Provided we can do something about the cars.

My other half would need a new job but if we move out of town I'll have to get one outside the home too. Oh well plans are plans and they can be changed.


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