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Why Does Loving Someone Always Hurt So Much

Have you ever noticed that when you love someone or are "in love" with someone there is a constant aching feeling when they aren't around? The dull ache is like a knife right to the soul. I can not imagine why something that can make us so happy at times would end up making us so sad as well. Is this really the way that it's supposed to be? Are we supposed to feel a connection to someone that is so strong we can't even think straight when we do not hear the sound of their voice? Are we supposed to panic when so much as suspect that they may be in harms way? I mean really is loving someone supposed to hurt so much?

What happens when we fall in love with someone that we know we can't have? Are we supposed to wait forever or move on being unfair to whoever we are with because we know deep in our hearts that we can not actually feel a love that deep for them? Is it fair to be trapped in love with someone that you can never have? No it's not but that's life. When you are truly in love with someone you want them to be happy with or without you.

Maybe we aren't supposed to know the answers. We may only be supposed to know just how deeply we love that one person and that no matter what we always will.


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