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I Got More Done Alone

OK so far the whole concept of getting done with this project early in order to get paid is not going well at all. I find myself being constantly interrupted by people that only want to chit chat or have me help them.....The concept of busy is obviously one they do not get and my stress level, along with my temper are close to going over the boiling point.

I am behind in every aspect. While my current deadline is still five days away I actually needed to finish this project about five days ago in order to be paid in time to take care of what I needed it to. Oh well, I’ll learn to turn everything off and block the driveway one day. At the moment I would be running back and forth from taking care of the house to my computer to ensure that I get everything done properly.

I have a ton of laundry to do, floors to clean, bills to pay and well you know the list is never ending but I still try to narrow it down to a list. I have done a million things today and only one of them so far has been work related. I got the dishes done, a load of laundry and even put most of what had already been washed away. I’m in the middle of cleaning the coffee pot but my biggest accomplishment had to be getting the stains out of the tea pitcher. I have finally gotten to the last of three articles that I have to write today in order to finish this project up and get paid.

It is mid September and I just read where someone was asking if they were the only ones working on Christmas articles. I hadn’t even begun to think about Christmas but it is a good idea. I have to write some of them now so my income goes up when the season gets here to recover from it more easily. I have two daughters with birthdays in December. I think I will begin working on those as soon as I finish this last article for my project.

I still more cleaning to do but it's best done after everyone else is in bed. One more article, a little one on one therapy time with the kiddo, feed her and put her to bed. Then I get a little me time before it's back to work. I'm on a roll and the best part is that I've done all this alone today which means that once I find a place to move and it's just the two of us life will be a lot less stressful than it is now.


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