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It's All Going to Be All Right

Lately I've been dealing with a lot of issues that made me think that things were not going to be anywhere near all right for some time to come. I have since figured out that they will and I am in complete control of when and how they turn out all in the end. I am worried about a dear friend that I hadn't spoken to in months until just a couple days ago. I had sent him a message hoping to find that he had been busy celebrating all the good things that life has to offer. You can not begin to imagine the hurt and disappointment that I felt when I found out that not only where things not better but they had gotten worse. I had waited and wondered these past few months and now I know. Now it hurts and I don't like this feeling but I have to be strong. All I can do is to say a prayer for things to turn out as they are supposed to no matter what that is.

I am just along for the ride on this one and hoping that everything turns out for the best. I don't believe in fairy tales but I do believe that everything happens for a reason. There is so much going on right now that is beyond my control that I'm just going to stop trying and hang on for the ride. I have more news that isn't sitting well which means I've got a lot of letting go to do but I can handle it. I bounce.

When you are faced with difficult decisions you have to know when to sit back and take a break. That is what I am doing and will continue to do until the time is right to make another move.


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