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Should You Ask??

It is very true that what we do not know can not hurt us. So when it comes to suspicions you have to be careful what you ask if you are not truly prepared for the answer that you might get. How do you know that someone is truly what they appear to be? It could be an illusion that the mind has chosen to create in an effort to protect you from what is really going on. I have a lot of questions but I am not asking them for fear that someone might answer me. 

I have friends I know this but at the moment determining who would be a true friend and who would be feeding me a line of crap would be a bit difficult to do. I have allowed my feelings to over rule my common sense it would seem and that is never a good thing. I am totally lost right now and have turned it all over to a higher power for the sake of my sanity. I mean really nothing should confuse a grown woman as much as I have been lately.

I want to know the answers but I am afraid to ask the questions. I know that the answers are few and far between but still what have I got to lose by asking? Everything. I am scared to death right now and that's fine to. I will sort this out like I have a million times before and I will end up standing taller because of it all. 

I am hurting right now but I am trying to smile through the pain and so far I'm doing pretty good. I think that no matter what happens it'll all turn out for the best. Well I would be wondering if I should ask so I'm going to think about it for a little while longer. 


Dee said…
I'm sorry that you are hurting. I know well that feeling of being confused. :/ Finding out the truth can be painful, but knowing the facts usually gives you the boost needed to make the right choice with what you know. Did that make sense? Not enough coffee.
Laurie said…
it made perfect sense

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