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Productive Weekend

While I did not manage to get very much work done this weekend I did manage to get a good bit of cleaning done. In the living room anyway but that's a start. I got a lot of things that should have been thrown away months ago thrown away, some dusting and some vacuuming. All and all I'm happy. There are some pieces of furniture marked to be thrown out by the road and I am working on figuring out just how to get those out the door. I know that I need to find somewhere to put the things that are on them until I can get them out of the door. I had a slight disagreement with the whimpy soon to be ex over men and women's work.

He got smart with me and told me vacuuming was women's work. I informed him it should be right up his alley then. I preceded to tell him that moving heavy furniture, taking out the trash and cutting the grass which I do the majority of the time are traditionally considered men's work so he would be more than a bit lacking in the man department. Yes, I know I'm a bitch but I do enjoy it so.

I managed to get some work done on a spreadsheet to post the titles and url's of all the articles I have for promotion. I have a lot of articles so I'll be doing more than one but the fact that I got anything done is something. I managed a couple of short articles and some random stuff to kill time that also pays so it wasn't a total loss for the weekend. I am not thrilled that I still have a ton to do but that's life and I'll deal with it. There is still an old bed to put out by the road that is going to take too people but the promise of getting rained on prevented it from happening. I am working as fast as I can to get everything done and I am making progress.

The  progress is slow as I get rid of all the things I don't want or need and end this marriage but it is going well enough that I am fully satisfied.


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