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Taking My House and My Life Back

I spent the morning doing laundry, dishes and cleaning the living room. I was exhausted before I got half done so I took a nap. I am reclaiming my life. I am enjoying it too. I love the fact that I will soon be free of this mess I have been calling a marriage for so long. I am going to get all my ducks back in a row. I am so happy I could scream! I have a ton to do but I can see it all getting done and soon.

I have no idea how to pay for all this but it's coming together. There are a lot of things that I have to do to and I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to figure it all out. I think that the easiest way to figure it out is to jump in head first only I plan to keep my eyes wide open this time.

I have no delusions and no expectations just the feeling that I will be getting my life back very soon. I love the fact that I am actually getting things done. I've never been so happy in my life, who knew divorce could do that for you?


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