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New Schedules and Routines

In light of recent events there have been some unexpected changes to the way that I do things. My entire routine has been changed, at least for now. I am up by 5a.m whether I want to be or not. It's a little habit I developed when I was without Internet access. I am working as fast as I can in order to ensure that I can make up the income that I lost. I may not be able to make up that lost time but I can make sure that next month isn't the same way. I will be taking $50 as soon as it is available and reopening my savings account.

There are things that I need, among them a divorce. Well, I am well aware that I can file the papers myself. I just have to find the correct ones. I found out yesterday that the filing fees are or were only $170. I intend to come up with that very shortly and very carefully. I would also be in need of a vehicle that I can drive without any current problems that has decent gas mileage. The problem is that with current expenses I can not afford a car payment even with a trade in. This means I have to come up with a new plan.

Getting up at five in the morning gives me the opportunity to take care of little things such as checking my email and seeing if there is any work available that is not part of my regular schedule for the day. Those two things can be knocked out while I enjoy a cup of coffee or two as the rest of the house sleeps. I am beginning to enjoy this time alone and if I budget it carefully I can even grab a shower without hearing anyone call my name. I do love not having to wait until everyone leaves the house for the morning to jump in the shower and have time to myself.

Well, I have found that four precious hours in the morning allow me to do housework while working for a living and that it is starting to go better now. I have my computer back, a portable Internet connection and a fully charged battery. Today since I will be stuck at therapy long past the 2:45 that we are scheduled to get out due to a lack of transportation I will be taking my computer in hopes of achieving some work during the afternoon. I may even take my charger in the event my battery runs low before I am done working.

Well, it's almost time to go get the kid so I need to wrap up a few things before I can shut down. I'll be back later to let you know how this afternoon went with my pile of stuff and my kid.


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