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Thanksgiving Week

The weekend ends today meaning that first thing in the morning we begin what will be just a two day week. I am rather excited at the prospect of not having to be somewhere at a certain time this year. I don't even want to spend the holiday with anyone actually. I don't enjoy holidays anymore so they are simply another day to me. I am not fond of the extended family that I married into, specifically I am not fond of the father and mother-in-law that I gained when I married. Had I been paying attention I never would have gotten married this time but that is a story for another day.

I am behind as far as my income and my household chores. Not sure how the house is so far behind since I was unable to work for two weeks because my computer was being fixed but I am, it is a realization that is not a pleasant one. I intend to spend the week off for Thanksgiving working as much as is humanly possible in order to prevent starting the new year in debt. The biggest obstacle there is getting those around me to cooperate and pay attention to what they are doing. I am determined to be divorced by the end of 2012 if it is the last thing that I do.

Well, I've got to get back to work if I am going to achieve my divorce goal this year. I set the same goal last year and somehow I let circumstances push me away from it.


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