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Obsessed with OUAT

I seem to be obsessed with "Once Upon a Time" and I have no idea why. It's addictive, all it took was watching the shows that I had missed from the beginning during the marathon that was shown. I was hooked. Fairy tales have never been my thing but the fact that these had lost the happy endings was somewhat of a hook for me. I can't explain it but I adore the fact that no one is where they are supposed to be according to the stories that we were read as children.

It is like "happily ever after" met a dose of reality. I still want them to get those endings but I like the fact that there are obstacles in the way. Last Sunday's episode was one I particularly enjoyed.

The fact that the Oscars are on instead of QUAT would be a bit of a sore point right now. I need a fairy tale even if it's just for a moment. I guess I'll dream of them. Maybe.......

Well I want to take a nap, so I'll be going now.


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