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New Year's Eve and Nearly Ready for the New Year

OK so far I've hauled recycling off to make it possible to see the area in my floor where it once sat, done the January shopping and budgeting. I'm hoping all are correct. I purchased a new planner, not the one I wanted but it's small enough to carry with me, and the deadlines will fit in it.

I wanted a desk calander but in the past that's proved to be a bad idea. The kid writes all over them.

Then I read this post and got to thinking. I'm still working on throwing out those things, but if the world were ending I don't believe I'd attempt to take anything with me. The important things'll make it with or without me taking them along for the ride.

Today I am wrapping up some end of the year cleaning projects and doing a tad bit of promotions and writing to prepare for the income needs of 2013. I have a ton to do this year, the least of which is actually completing my daily to do list and remembering to keep on hand the yogurt and fruits that the kid keeps asking for virtually every day.

I intend to take full advantage of Netflix while the free trial is still active. My internet connection causes the streaming to be interrupted at times for loading, and that won't for something that I pay for; in the meantime I'll be searching for a VGA cable, and a decent indoor antenna so that the old outdoor one can be recycled. It's so old it's rusted and broke.

OK off to start the days errands for the new year.


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