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Planning Out the Year

There are a number of things in store for 2013, and the work schedule is filling as I write this. I have personal projects as well as earnings to keep up with so every moment being scheduled is pretty much a must. The first thing I'm beginnning the year with is for my sheer enjoyment however.

A month free from Netflix is where I'm starting. I am determined to have time off if it's no more than an hour a day. There are free sites for streaming I know, but Netflix is free (for the month) and has a few things I have not been able to find (not that I have had time to look) and I can put my computer on a stand and watch as I soak in a hot bath. (OK so that was too much information.)

I have a total of 14 personal projects in my spread sheet. Three of those have begun. Most of them have notes about what they are to be, or rather the idea that I have in my head for them. Scheduling is a bit slow at the moment since I have a wall calander for everyone, and my online calander. I have yet to get an appointment book to shove in my purse so I know when I can do what while I am out. I want one that is actually already broken into hours for me this year, it's less work and remembering on my part.

Anyway, three of the fourteen projects have been started with one having the potential to develop into two, while another can be broken down into at least three, which means I have five going right now. There is one with the potential to expand on which makes me happy. Now as long as I do not start too many at one time I'll be ok.

Today I threw things out of my living room since it's the most commonly used room it tends to accumulate things. I watched Dennis the Menace, Saved by the Bell, Bones and Happily Divorced while I did it. All of them on my laptop which meant the shows moved around the room with me! I like that part, so it almost makes up for the tiny screen, at least I had color (well, for the ones made after color television was invented.)


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