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I was over at M3 when this thing called Reality caught my eye. I thought it might be fun to see what my answers would be. 

1. If you could change something, what would you change?

I'd have more time to spend with my babies; like every waking moment until they were big enough to run away to do thier own things. The way it stands, I merely hope they have wings of their own.

2. If you could repeat an age, what age would it be?

I'd rather not repeat any of them. I learned from my mistakes, and I moved on. Time refuses to stand still so I keep going.

3. What one thing really scares you?

My youngest knows no danger, and my oldest is to much like me. 

4. What one dream have you not completed yet and do you think you will be able to complete it?

Living a life without interference. I'm well on the way!

5. If you could be someone else for the day, who would you be?

My autistic 6 year old. I'd love to know what she sees as she looks at the world, and understand the frustration that she must feel being strapped with a diagnosis that brings out ignorance while being smarter than a number of those circling her orbit. 

You'll please excuse the appearance of this post, as I was writing it, my editing features went crazy. Thank you.


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