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Severe Weather

I went to the school on December 20, 2012 for AR with my child. What ended up happening was rather different. The weather had looked bad all morning, for a moment I thought I wasn't going to be able to go. Then it cleared up for a moment and I decided to go ahead and go.

I noticed all the children sitting quietly at thier desks, and the teacher in the back  of the room. Unusual already. I had barely made it into the classroom to sit down and been informed they were under what the teacher believed to be a warning when the alarm bell went off at the school to signal all the children in the hallway.

The teacher rushed children into the hall, my child was slow to get up. Then she wanted to take her book and appeared upset when I made her leave it. The children had to be moved to the appropriate spots by the teacher; it would have appeared as if all of them had auditory processing disorders to see the inability of following directions. The commotion was too much for the little kid.

She was against the wall with her head down crying; the teacher put her in her lap for a while until she started to slide to the floor. She wanted to be with her friends, that is until they turned around and put their hands over thier heads sitting up. The rain got heavier and the weather sirens went off. My little angel starting crying again, we think the sirens were hurting her ears.

The teacher asked if I wanted to hold her and I gladly got the baby off the wall and put her in my lap as I sat in the floor among the kids. I sat in the hall as the rain got heavier and rocked the baby trying to calm her down. Eventually she did, then when all was clear and the other kids went to run to P.E. I had to pick the child up as I stood up.

Another little girl from her class helped me to get shorty up on her two feet to stand in line. When I asked where shorty was going she stood in the door of her class room and looked sad. So I asked if she wanted to go to P.E. The kid said yes and took coach's hand to go the gym.

I went and watched part of a movie with the first graders and waited for the rain to die down some. Finally I went home, and the weather cleared up.


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