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Writing Productivity

My productivity is down lately. I am starting to think that all the time spent forcing myself to work no matter how exhausted or sick is beginning to get to me. I am attempting to make it to the end of 2012 without losing my sanity and my temper. I'll be resting some, in an effort not to lose it outright but once 2013 starts I may regret the resting.

There are goals set for 2013, financial and personal; they are not strict but they are musts. The kid's dad will have a check December 21, 2012 and then as a result of not being able to stand for a couple weeks will not have another one until January 18,2013 provided I figured his paydates correctly.

I have some monthly earnings goals and some sites that I need to acquire payout from one or two last times so I can put them behind me. It's getting more difficult to meet the guidelines for them. The goal for the new year is to be more productive with the writing, that is after all how I make my living.

I have went from writing one book and outlining another to keeping a notebook to fill with things for a third. The one that I am outlining is beginning to have short stories written to aid in the filling of the chapters; the first has chapters that need additional material to fill them and ensure the points are all covered. The notebook is written in when the mood strikes. The one that has chapters already filling up is getting ten minutes a day, minimum for the questioning and reorganizing. It will recieve about thirty minutes a day for the writing portion. It has to be finished by the end of February, at least that is the goal. The one that is being outlined with short stories starting for the chapters is getting time as it is allowed since the concept is still fuzzy.

The idea is to have three books hit shelves by the end of 2013. That's one every four months. I hope.


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