I actually managed to finish the A to Z challenge!
I was a bit worried about having to post for each letter of the alphabet, but I did it! I didn't miss a day or a letter, and that was an accomplishment for me!
My new book came out the first of April.
I managed to get more time in with the short kid that was not spent arguing over whether or not she felt like doing her homework. There has even been a small, OK teeny, tiny, bit of progress on the house. The repairs may actually get done this year! Well, part of them so that I can feel better about leaving this place.
Yes, I still hope for the day that I can move. I just hope it's not in the city limits, or at least not anywhere with city water, I can't drink it and the smell makes me sick. OK lots to do and little time to do it in, maybe that short kid'll even help a little when it comes to doing her room.
I was a bit worried about having to post for each letter of the alphabet, but I did it! I didn't miss a day or a letter, and that was an accomplishment for me!
My new book came out the first of April.
I managed to get more time in with the short kid that was not spent arguing over whether or not she felt like doing her homework. There has even been a small, OK teeny, tiny, bit of progress on the house. The repairs may actually get done this year! Well, part of them so that I can feel better about leaving this place.
Yes, I still hope for the day that I can move. I just hope it's not in the city limits, or at least not anywhere with city water, I can't drink it and the smell makes me sick. OK lots to do and little time to do it in, maybe that short kid'll even help a little when it comes to doing her room.