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Day 13: I am comfortable in my own skin

Day 13 is how you feel about your body, and how comfortable you are in it. Indulge me if you will.

I am more than comfortable in my own skin. I am gorgeous and so are my children. No I don't need you to tell me, I own a mirror. Everyday I look into it and it confirms the fact that I am gorgeous.

People's opinions about my appearance haven't mattered in years. You see for everyone that has something negative to say about me, there is a good chance that were I as rude as they I could come up with at least a dozen things that are unattractive about them.

It could be a pot belly, nose too large, lack of teeth or a receding hairline. Instead I keep my mouth shut and find it funny that they think I care about their opinion.

I am gorgeous, and more than comfortable in my own skin. Are you?


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