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Day 4: Bulleting My Whole Day

OK I’m going to go ahead and guess that I cannot put an actual bullet through my day. Sooo.

  • Up much too early in the morning just to turn the coffee pot on and go back to bed. I really must invest in another one with a time, that is exhausting.
  • Coffee, cigarette. Get the kiddo dressed and fed in record time just to have her go to school to eat breakfast all over again. That’s a neat trick with her OCD and short attention span.
  • Finally, dogs are in until the bus runs and then they can be fed.
That’s just the first part of the morning from 5a.m. to 6:50 a.m.

The rest of the day..........(Week Day)

  • Work
  • Clean something
  • Work
  • Lunch (May or may not be spent at the school reading with the short kid)
  • Work
  • Daydream
  • Homework/therapy (depending on the day we do both or she does it with her favorite)

    Ideal day

    Sleep. All day long and through the next day, in a hot tub.


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