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What the Heavens am I Doing?

Well, Summer vacation has officially started. We made it through Kindergarten graduation, Memorial Day with family and that short kid continually snipping the ends of her hair off.

I am not pleased with the tiny snippets of hair that are ending up on my floor but there is nothing that I can do about it once she cuts it off. I am expecting some books that I ordered for her to come in soon. The delivery is estimated for the 3rd to the 7th. Hopefully they'll ship it soon, that's the price I pay for being  so cheap that I chose the free shipping option.

Check the top and sides of the page, you will see the book giveaways that I have listed on Goodreads. Today is the last day to enter, it ends tomorrow.

Well, I have deadlines to meet and things that should have been done months ago so I'll be going to work on them now.


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