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Flash In The Pan: Around

Tables lined with fine crystal and champagne bottles greeted the guests. Balloons wrapped around the silverware gave a festive appearance. The dust had been swept away...

Away from what? Writing this manuscript was the hardest thing she’d ever tried to do. How would she get around the inconsistencies that were present throughout? Maybe she’d just kill them all off, on page one. No, no.. That wouldn’t do, she could get around the hurdle, she must.

Why is she having so much trouble with the manuscript? How do you get around gaps in your story lines? Should she scrap it and start over or merely opt to kill them all off early?

The word is around and this post comes in on the nose using all 75 words of the 75 word limit. Go to M3 for the official rules.

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Red said…
I have killed off troublesome characters who really wanted to run my story into the ground.
Laurie said…
Then it is a brilliant idea, maybe some research into torture is in order.

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