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How much farther?”

“Only about a mile or two.”

“Which is it a mile or two miles?”


“What? It’s two miles to the turnoff, and another eight miles to the house.”

“Fine. I’m going to sleep.”

“Suit yourself.”

“You act as if you don’t care.”

“Should I?”

“I suppose not.”
“You would suppose right.”

Who are they? Where are they going? Is it a man and a woman, two men or two women? Does the one that does not care simply want silence?

The word is right, click the link to be taken to M3 and the official rules. This post comes in at 55 of the 100 word limit.


Unknown said…
It's a man and a woman and they are going to his parents' house, whom she doesn't like. She didn't even want to go along for the trip.

Great flash!
Laurie said…
That's a scenario that sounds all too familiar!
Red said…
It is a man and woman. She is going to pick up her child from her ex-husband's house. The disinterested party is her new husband.
Laurie said…
Now that's a perfect fit and a glimpse into a lot of reality. xxx

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