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L is for Laughter

It is said to be the best medicine. I am not sure about that but I know that it has been missing in my life the last few years as worry took over. It is slowly coming back.

Three husbands and two children later I am still here, still learning and still standing which is the most amazing fact. I have stumbled and fallen but in the end I remain strong and strangely a bit better for the wear.

I may have had to leave virtually everything behind last September but slowly I am replacing it all. The best part is that this time I get to pick it out with my little girl. She is enjoying the latest move. Her bicycle has been replaced and we are having regular outings. Her laugh is contagious.

She is no longer confused when she gets off the school bus and now she runs off of it instead of looking back with a confused look on her face. I no longer dread the phone because the teacher puts a behavior report in every child's folder. This gives me peace of mind, and every time she gets a good report I cannot help but smile.

Each afternoon she comes home, uses the bathroom and rides her bicycle provided the weather allows for it. She enjoys riding on the sidewalks in the complex; they are an unfamiliar treat for her.  

Slowly but surely her laughter is rubbing off on me, and I find myself smiling more than I have in years. She is becoming increasingly happier the longer we are here and that is making me happy. That's why L is for laughter, because it is returning to our lives. 


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