Rest is a word that has not been in my
vocabulary for a while; at least not as something that I actively
practiced. I am learning what it means, and I think that I rather
enjoy it. It is nice to know that when I get sick I can rest a bit
without anyone trying to ensure that I cannot rest at all. The six
months or so have had a single constant, that is that I am doing
better without my last husband than I ever did with him.
We are both happier. It saddens me to
see that my little girl has never been truly happy before but now we
are both learning what rest is and we are taking the time to learn
when to say enough is enough. We are spending our time at parks,
eating out on occasion and window shopping. I must say that we are
truly enjoying ourselves. The rest is easier to achieve now that we
don't have appointments every day or even once a week.
The fact that over the last six months
we have reduced the amount of appointments that we have is something
that both of us got used to rather quickly. We will be returning to
our regular routine of appointments in a month or so but until then
we are going to continue enjoying not having to go anywhere unless we
want to.
We are going to investigate these
things called vacations that I have heard so much about over the
years. I think we're over due for one, it's just a matter of figuring
out where to go and what we're going to do. It won't be a long
vacation, or one that is very far away but we're going to make the
most of it. It could be something as simple as spending a few nights
in a local hotel but whatever it is we are going to enjoy it.
Learning how to rest is one of the most
fun lessons that I have had in my lifetime.