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Blessings in the form of Unanswered Prayers

"Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers. Just remember when you're talking to the man upstairs just because he doesn't answer doesn't mean he doesn't care." - Garth Brooks

The song is about a man introducing his wife to his high school sweetheart. He is realizing that things worked out for the best. It is a lesson that we all learn at some point. He had imagined that he would spend his life with her, and like many high school romances it didn't work out. Years later he is married to someone else and realizing that the memories he had are not what he thought they were at all. Time had made the picture less of a fairy tale, and more of a young man's dream. The reality he has is better than the fantasy he created all those years ago.

Everyone has someone whom they believed that they would cease to exist without. The pain of losing them or never having them feels as if you have breathed your last. I have been told of those that die from broken hearts but never seen it first hand. A love that strong is something that everyone aspires to even if they don't admit it.

I can only imagine a love that strong. It is best to build relationships on a strong foundation of friendship and have something lasting than a meaningless fling.

Do you have a love built on a strong foundation or just something sitting on shifting sand?


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