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Monday Ramblings

There is no school today, and this weekend was rather peaceful. We took a trip to the grocery store and ran through the drive-tru Saturday. The kid was well behaved except for the time spent in the check out by the balloons. 

Friday I went to Missouri with friends. We got cigarettes, breakfast, lunch and stopped at Sam's Club to shop a little bit. We got a little lost by over shooting the turn.

It was actually fun. The entire weekend has been fun. The baby is happy and playing, she even went out on the porch while I had the windows open to let the fresh air in.

The cooler temperatures means that the air runs less. It is nice to be able to let the air in and the smoke out. My refrigerator and pantry are stocked for the month with money left. The house is stocked with the exception of conditioner that I will be going to get later in the week. 

I have an appointment for my medication tomorrow. I will be having it delivered. I bought a new mouse to make what I have to do online easier. 

I am working on hunting down the things that I want to get my girls for their birthday's and Christmas.

I will not be working for a while to cut back on stress. Paperwork and applications have been filled out to ensure that we will be fine during the process of my getting my nerves back on track. 


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