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Showing posts from November, 2014

First Day of Thanksgiving Vacation!

It is  the first day of the kiddo's Thanksgiving Vacation! We have a lot to do, but we can chat a minute.

Wordy Wednesday

Once again while everyone else is wordless, I have made the choice to be wordy. Sit back and enjoy the ramblings. The light snow fall and freezing temperatures make it ideal to cuddle up under a warm blanket with a hot cup of your pleasure.

Way Behind

I have noticed that I am way behind when it comes to finishing the things that I am supposed to do lately. I cannot figure out exactly why but I know that I am preoccupied.

Saturday Evening Post

The week has been one filled with thoughts of friends and family as the holidays approach. I am blessed to have my heart with me and my friends are always a call away. Pull up a chair and grab a drink, we need to chat.