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Actions Say it All

When words do not match actions you are not being honest with anyone, not even yourself. 
Do I have to do it myself?

Words are meaningless when actions do not match.

There was a generation of people raised on sealing deals with a handshake. That was back when a man was only as good as his word, and that word was worth more than all the gold in Fort Knox. 

Those days are long gone but the sentiment remains. A man is only as good as his word. Loosely translated, if his word is worthless so is he; this applies to woman as well.

Empty Promises

  • I'll help you all I can
  • I will always be there for you
  • You know you can count on me
  • I will always remember you
The words are nice, but when the action involves forgetting, never showing up, and offering mere moral support when actual help has been asked for they are meaningless.

Unfortunately it sometimes takes far too long to see people for what they are. When reality rears its head it can often hurt but cutting ties with these people whose actions never match their words it is always for the best no matter how hard the struggle is to leave them in the past.


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