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Why is it that the older we get the faster time goes by? I have no idea but I wonder about it regularly as I realize that even the longest days are not as long as they once were. 
Proud big sister

Where did the time go? Those two in the picture? Well, those are my children, they are now 15 and 8. I still can't believe the time that has gone by. It was only yesterday that I found out about them it seems. 

Yet, it was not. The reality is that I will never have those first moments with them again. Sitting up, crawling, walking or running they are both well on their way to lives of their own. I am living mine. 

I wonder if time is passing slowly for them the way it did when I was a kid. It seemed as if I would never be grown and have a life of my own. Now I know that growing up is the one of the dumbest things I could have ever wished for. Oh well, life comes with it's ups and downs and I have weathered them all. 

Until next time, may your days be filled with love and laughter. 


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