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Weight Loss Challenge for 2015

I did not make resolutions for the new year. Instead I made plans. They are rough but they give me a guideline to go by, and goals for the new year. Among this is weight loss because I miss feeling good just by looking in my mirror. 
lonely candle

I will be turning 39 this year. My oldest child is 15 and the youngest is 8. I am not getting any younger, and my life is not what I had envisioned but it is my life just the same. I don't celebrate my birthday, it's not something I care to do.

The holiday treats seem to have added weight to the weight I was already fussing over. I hope to lose 50 pounds by the end of 2015. That's not unreasonable as it is only an average of a little over four pounds a month to lose. About a pound a week. 

What are you fighting in 2015? I have to find motivation to move more; baby steps so I do not strain, tear or break anything. 


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