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Embracing the Shortest Month

It is the shortest month of the year with only 28 days and I am planning accordingly. Today I will walking to the nearest store in order to ensure that I have cash on me to take the baby to eat at least once this month and change for the laundry. 

This is also my birthday month, as 39 approaches I find that I am reflecting on things from twenty years ago. Where I thought I'd be, where I hoped to be, where I've been and where I am. I hope that the next part of the ride is just as filled with adventures appropriate or inappropriate.

Twenty years ago I merely 18 and thought that I had it all figured out. I look back and remember all the nights that I spent dreaming of my future. I wanted it all, a career that took me around the world, family and friends, parties and a large bank account to retire comfortably on. 

I have yet to get travel the world. I have had three husbands and am in the process of divorcing the third. I have two daughters I would not trade for the world. My family is far away and the friends I have I can count without need of assistance from artificial intelligence. 

My bank account, well it's not in the negative. My youngest daughter is autistic and has taught me more than the majority of teachers I had. 

I still have goals and a million things left to accomplish in this life. We are all living on borrowed time but I fully intend to live the next twenty years as fully as the last twenty. 

Until next time I live in a world of wonder and wander lust. Hopefully your life is as full as mine as been. 


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