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Summer Plans

It is the first day of summer vacation and school starts back on August 17th. That gives us approximately eight weeks to see how many memories we can make. This summer is already off to a better start than previous summers for memories. It is also the second summer we have spent as a household of two.

We are adjusting well. I bought the baby Sonic twice this week. She got a drink and half priced cheese burger, then she got a corn dog and medium drink while I got a free route 44 drink.

Today we are going to a yard sale. It is supposed to have about a thousand items, and started last night for a few hours. Today it is all day. I will be packing some drinks for the outing and making sure we have both eaten before we left. We may need to stop at the store to purchase a couple of snacks for the outing.

There are picnics, trips to the park and crafts to make this summer while it is warm. We will be performing some of the crafts outside just to get fresh air. Shorty will be helping me in the kitchen to work on her listening, following directions and math skills.

Until next time I hope that your summer is going as well as ours is so far.


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