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Sitcoms from Yesteryear

In recent years I have found that I prefer watching shows from when decades ago. There are only a handful of shows that come on today that I sit down and watch. I have a tendency to stream things on my computer or the Roku channels on my television so that I can pick and choose what I watch and when I watch it.

Three's Company

Jack, Janet, Chrissy (Christmas), Cindy and Terri. I watch two shows a day minimum. It reminds me of a time when things were simpler. Laughter never goes out of style.

Doogie Howser M.D.

The child prodigy taught us a lot about life through his idealistic views. The awareness that he brought to injustices was something unexpected in the mist of the drama surrounding his same age peers. The episode where Doogie fights for an AIDS patient to continue painting with the children in the hospital touched my heart.


It is pure fantasy in a lot of ways. Never mind the magic, I'm talking about the romance.  A couple that puts up with the in-laws through misunderstandings, and plots against them while remaining completely in love with each other is something to shoot for.

The Beverly Hillbillies

I adore the simplicity of this show. The innocence and the fact that money didn't change them or their ways makes it a much watch for me. I can remember watching it after school as a kid, and now I catch it whenever I can. The antics still make me laugh even though I've seen them a million times or more. 

There are more but the list could go on forever. I think it's nice to sit back and watch something that automatically takes you down memory lane from time to time. What do you do to relax? What are you watching?

Hashtags #sitcoms #oldtelevisionshows #memorylane


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